Iowa City’s council members readily agreed there is currently no problem with immigrants, some of them University of Iowa students. But Councilman Rockne Cole said changes at the federal level, without naming the incoming Trump administration, made it prudent “think forward” in remaining friendly to immigrants.
A standing room-only crowd of about 50 people turned out out for a city council work session yesterday, eager to see the outcome of a highly-publicized discussion about becoming an immigration “sanctuary city”.
Councilwoman Susan Mims said she opposes the sanctuary city label.
“People can assume there’s more protection than there is,” she says.
But the council agreed that the city needs some policy to guide law enforcement officers. The consensus was that city resources should not be used to carry out immigration law enforcement, which is Iowa City's current practice without any written policy.
The city attorney, with outside assistance, will draft that policy for later council action.
Iowa City To Develop Guidelines On Immigration Law Enforcement

Dean Borg/IPR