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City Elections: A Dress Rehearsal for Voter ID

Iowans going to the polls for municipal elections tomorrow will be asked to show an ID…..but not to worry.

It’s just a run-through county auditors are staging ahead of  Iowa’s new voter ID law going into effect.  

Starting in 2018 voters without an ID will have to swear to their identity, and then in 2019 they’ll be allowed to cast a provisional ballot only.   

We need to educate the voters. -Grundy Co. Auditor Rhonda Deters

“As you know, ID is not required to vote at this time,” said Grundy County Auditor Rhonda Deters who heads the Iowa County Auditors Association.  “But we need to educate the voters of Iowa's new ID requirements so we're beginning that process through our elections.”

The Secretary of State’s office will be conducting voter education ahead of implementation of the new law.

“So if we can get the voters used to having their identification available when they come in to vote it will be helpful,” Deters added.

Deters says asking for an ID was added to the routine training for pollworkers this year.  

For tomorrow’s voting, county auditors determine whether polls in a given precinct open at 7 a.m. or noon.    Voters should call their county auditor for information.     Polls close at 8 p.m. statewide.   

There are competitive mayoral races in some communities.

Eight candidates are running for mayor in Cedar Rapids.      That race could end up being decided in a runoff between the top two vote-getters.